Anouki’s Sketchbook
Sharp as pencil

What could be more personalised than one's handwriting. IERI Moodboard is our online-source to introduce our designers from new perspectives, that’s why we interview them in a unique way. For that reason, our editorial team asked the designer Anouki Areshidze to answer our questions with sketches. She drew her fears, her breakfast, her family and shared some cool tips of being a mom of four and a successful designer. Take a chance to flip through the drawings from Anouki Areshidze, while at our store you can come and choose your favorite item from the collection.
Anouki’s brand joined IERI Store a year ago, in fall 2020. Over this year we had multiple interesting collaborations and the brand quickly became a big part of our story. This fall the stock was renewed with Anouki fall-winter 2021/22 collection: masculine oversize suits along with super pure and feminine dresses. Loose-fit blazer along with skin tight dress – the collection is definitely giving its audience multiple options to stand out.
What interests you outside of fashion?

Describe your professional working day.

What is your biggest fear?

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Your favourite movie or your favourite movie character and why?

What did you have for breakfast today?

How are you different now than you were, say, five years ago?

How do you imagine your own life in ten years?

Did you ever have a mentor or someone to guide you?

What are some of the obstacles you’ve confronted as a designer?

How do you think people see you?

What are the moments when you feel the happiest/ the most joy?



What do you feel when you click on the camera? Can you share your favorite pictures that you took?

How would you define beauty? What seemed beautiful to you when you were a child?

How do you find balance between work and mom life?

If you have to organize a dinner: If you could have four guests, who would they be? The guests can be anybody, dead or alive, real or imaginary.